DHN: What is special to you about the video shoot for Deep In The Bottom?
Monique Bingham: I am happy that we were able to shoot in the streets of Jozi. So many young kids lost it when they saw Nathi (Black Coffee) on the street, that was beautiful to see. They are so proud of him and and I think we all just got a bit closer. It was a deep time too because the student protests started to pop up and intensify at the same time and it sparked a lot of conversations. I am working with a band from Tembisa called Jazzmeloz at the moment and they appear in the video as well. Was deep to be there with them, with Coffee rocking the Africans Be Knowing Who I Be shirt. Very pleased with the final cut.
DHN: Were there is any pressure and difficulties in recording this track?
Monique Bingham: Just keeping up with that globe trotting man! He was finishing an album and in the middle of a world tour. But truth be told it ended up being a lot easier than I thought it would be. We really understood where the other was coming from pretty quickly. Will definitely be more to come from us.
DHN: What was your first reaction when you heard the track after it was completed and mastered?
Monique Bingham: Glad I trusted my instincts and just pushed on until all of the creative conjuring manifested in reality. This whole collab idea was a dream and we made it happen. He is that kind of person that wills his dreams into reality. Its incredibly inspiring.
DHN: Looking back at your career, can you pick three of the most memorable moments that you have experienced?
Monique Bingham: Hate choosing cause I cant remember everything and there are too many memories to choose from but for now:
– Capetown Jazzfest performance 2011
– singing for Gordon Clay on Broadway the summer of 1994
– first time performing in Tokyo August 2003 hearing We Had a Thing sung back to me by a crowd.
DHN: Is it true that you will be posting #WeDanceAgainChallenge on your Instagram account?.
Monqiue Bingham: Haha you are good! I never said anything like that! But we shall see. That #WeDanceAgainChallenge was a brilliant idea.
Posted on : 2015-11-20